Sunday 5 January 2014


Written by Admin on January 5, 2014. Posted in News, Top Stories


The government has granted Myanmar Motion Picture Association, the governing body of Myanmar movie industry, land for establishment of a film studio, according to Pyi Myanmar report.

Though, the association is still struggling to collect resources to start construction of the studio there, according to the association's vice-president Aye Kyu Lay.

The government has provided 20-acre land in PyinOoLwin, a tourist hotspot in Mandalay region famous for its zoological garden and other attractions, for the studio.

But the association did not disclose the location of the site as there are encroachment to the land.

"The government has allotted the land, we have yet to make such deposit (for grant of the land)," said Aye Kyu Lay.

He also said the association alone could not build the studio and invited cooperation from companies for the studio.

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