Wednesday 30 April 2014

Traders export rice to China without labels

Traders export rice to China without labels

Rice traders have been exporting rice to China without brand labels to avoid inspection and possible confiscation by the Chinese authorities. 

Traders in the northern border town of Muse say that the Chinese authorities often suspect rice cargo from Myanmar for concealing illegal contraband or drugs, leading traders to resort to removing labels. 

"Myanmar exports rice legally but the Chinese seize them whenever they want to catch illegal things," said a rice trader from Muse. 

"If we export the bags of rice with the brand name, the Chinese know instantly that it is being exported from Myanmar. If we don't label them they don't know where they come from so the bags are not seized. We have warned each other not to export bags with brand name," he added. 

The Ministry of Commerce is currently discussing with Chinese counterparts to allow rice exports to enter China without hassle from local authorities. 

The price of rice is currently higher due to a growing demand from China and local markets, sources from rice wholesalers say.

On average over 60,000 bags of rice produced in Ayeyawady Region enter the Wartan wholesale market daily. The price of a high quality bag of rice is Ks 500 (about US$ 0.51) more than in previous weeks. Low quality rice is on average Ks 300 (about US$ 0.30) more.

"The rising price of rice is connected with the demand from China. Local retail markets are also another reason for the price increase. The rice stored in warehouses all sold out during Thingyan [Myanmar New Year] and that's why the demand for the rice has increased," said an official from Wartan wholesale market.

On April 25, 25,000 bags of rice was sent to the Wartan wholesale market and the price of a bag of rice varied between Ks 15,800 Ks (about US$ 16.28) and Ks 16,800 (about US$ 17.31).

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