Thursday 18 July 2013

Myanmar licence holders unveil five-year plans

Myanmar licence holders unveil five-year plans

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yangon night 300x225The two operators that won telecom licences in Myanmar have unveiled their pricing plans and deployment goals for the near-term future.

Norwegian operator Telenor has pledged that after 5 years, its HSPA+ network will provide voice coverage to 83% of the country and data coverage to 78%. In the same period, the operator plans to provide 70,000 points of sale for buying SIM cards and 95,000 for buying airtime.

In terms of pricing, Telenor revealed that - excluding taxes - it would not charge more than MMK25 ($0.03) per minute for prepaid calls at peak times. The operator will also cap the price of SIM cards at MMK1,500.

Bar any unforeseen circumstances, Telenor will begin its voice and data offering in Q2 2014, with additional services based around finance, healthcare and agriculture due to follow.

Meanwhile, Qatari firm Ooredoo is aiming to provide 84% coverage for both voice and data in the same timeframe. It will charge more than its rival, with peak time calls charged at a maximum rate of MMK45 per minute – although it will offer MMK35/min calls to other Ooredoo subscribers, and will charge the same price as Telenor for SIM cards.

Ooredoo's distribution network ambitions are somewhat loftier than Telenor's. The Qatari firm aims to provide 240,000 points of sale for SIM cards and 72,000 for airtime. In addition, it has made similar pledges to provide financial, healthcare and agricultural services.

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