Thursday 8 August 2013

A Statement on the 25th Anniversary of Nationwide People's Uprising in Burma - E

A Statement on the 25th Anniversary of Nationwide People's Uprising in Burma

New Delhi, 8th August, 2013

18 SIKH conducts voluntary blood donation camp

Today is the 25th anniversary of Burma's democratic uprising, popularly known as 8888, which is historic and remarkable for the entire people who defied and
overthrew the dictatorial regime under the ruling Burmese Socialist Programme Party in 1988. During the nationwide uprising, the military dictatorship headed
by Gen. Ne Win killed thousands of innocent and unarmed peaceful protestors. Today it has completed 25 years. On that day, darkness overwhelmed the entire
country; on the one hand, the light of democracy started entering into the people's consciousness and wiped out the darkness.

Many demands that were demanded by the entire people during democratic uprising have not yet fulfilled, and the current quasi-civilian government has
neglected to grant genuine democracy and human rights until now. And therefore, the democratic struggle has not come to an end yet. We all have to march forward
continually and fight for democracy and human rights in Burma/Myanmar.

We will continue our democratic struggle until-

• The concerned authorities and government investigate and punish the culprits who committed the crimes and killed thousands of innocent people
who were demanding democracy during the 8888 nationwide uprising.

• To discard the 2008 Constitution and draft a new one in accordance with the democratic criteria and the people's will.

• To initiate for a genuine peace process

• To implement a Federal Union wherein the self-determination of ethnic nationalities' own affairs are constitutionally granted.

Burmese democratic activists, India

18 SIKH conducts voluntary blood donation camp

This info was sent by Burma Centre Delhi (BCD) who can be contacted at kimbo119(at)gmail(dot)com

This Press Release was posted on August 08, 2013.

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