Sunday 11 August 2013

Bengalis set fire to police outpost in Sittwe

Bengalis set fire to police outpost in Sittwe

A mob of Bengalis set fire to a security outpost near Bawdupha relief camp in Sittwe following a heated argument with the local police over the corps of an unidentifiable man who the locals believed had been killed by the police, Myanmar's western state of Rakhine, on Friday. 

The incident came after a row between police and Bengalis over the sending of the body of a 34-year-old Bengali man who was found at a creek near Ohdawgyi village to the regional police station. 

A policeman on duty at the camp said: "We can't go to the scene. Trees were felled to block the roads. The outpost was set on fire. But I don't know about details and only had phone contacts." 

Win Myaing, secretary of Rakhine state government's information and record making subcommittee, confirmed the incident and added that details would be released soon.  

 "The body of a Bengali man supposed to have floated from Hmansi creek was found near Ohndawgyi village. Bengalis gathered the scene and the number had increased. They had an argument with a policeman on duty because they insisted on taking the dead body to the village. As the number of Bengalis grew, the police had to fire guns into the air to disperse them. The Bengalis, believing the rumour that the man was killed, set fire to the police outpost. Now, suspected eight Bengalis are being detained. The crowds were dispersed in Ohndawgyi village. But measures have to be taken to disperse a crowd of 150 Bengalis in Bawdupha village in cooperation with Mawlawi leaders," Police Lieutenant Colonel Min Aung from Myanmar Police Force told the Daily Eleven.    

The police and army troops could not reach the relief camp as the route had been dug by the Bengalis since 6.30pm. The Bengalis gathered in large number and sometimes tried to reach the areas where security forces are put on standby. Officials from Human Rights Watch are also at the relief camp for negotiation.  

Police Regiment-33 and the regional police station have sent troops to the scene for deployment. 

Regarding the incident, unconfirmed reports erupted that the police's gunfire caused four deaths but President's spokesperson Ye Htut's facebook page stated that there were no deaths except some injuries.

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