Wednesday 7 August 2013

Myanmar govt. and militant student group agree to ceasefire

Myanmar govt. and militant student group agree to ceasefire

Myanmar's government and the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) have reached a four-point agreement, which includes a ceasefire, the opening of liaison offices and holding peace talks.
The agreement was reached during a state-level peace meeting between the Union Peacemaking Work Committee and ABSDF at the Myanmar Peace Centre in Yangon on Monday.
The government's side was led by minister Aung Min, Khin Yi and Ohn Myint, Lower House MP Thein Zaw and Lieutenant General Thet Naing Win from the Defence Services. The ABSDF's delegation was headed by chairman Yebaw Than Khe, vice chairman Yebaw Myo Win and general secretary Yebaw Hsan Ni.
"We will work together in Myanmar's political and democratic reforms. The government and the ABSDF are no longer enemies. We have become close friends. The agreement we have reached now is a milestone in history," Aung Min said.
According to the agreement, both sides agreed to a ceasefire as of August 5, and to take steps to avoid further conflict and fighting between government and ABSDF troops and to allow unarmed ABSDF members to travel to places outside ABSDF-controlled areas. 
"We came here for talks, thinking that it's better to seek coordination rather than the use of force. Although we can say the state level ceasefire is the beginning of a new light, there are still confusions," ABSDF chairman Yebaw Than Khe told the media
It was also agreed for the ABSDF to open a liaison office in Myawady, to begin the union-level talks on August 10 and to form an official delegation for the talks.

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