Friday 9 August 2013

Myanmar Observes 25th Anniversary of Democratic Uprising

Top government ministers were among 10,000 people gathered
Thursday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Myanmar's 1988
pro-democracy uprising, marking the first time members of the
country's nominally civilian government has openly acknowledged the
brutality of the recent era of military rule.

The crackdown on the uprising left thousands of students and
monks dead.

Three days of commemorative activities this week included an
appearance by Aung Ming, now a minister in the office of President
Thein Sein, and other members of his ruling Union Solidarity and
Development Party, which is comprised mostly of former

The commemoration is a significant step in healing one of the
deepest wounds in the country's recent history. The fact the event
occurred at all was telling, particularly since several activists
were arrested last year before a planned ceremony for a similar
anniversary, and the government and parliament are largely made up
of former or current military.

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