Friday 30 August 2013

Myanmar to recruit more women traffic police

Myanmar to recruit more women traffic police


Traffic police working at Sule Traffic Lights (Photo:EMG/Nyan Win Shein) 

Myanmar's police has announced it will begin recruitng more women traffic police, according to police officials.

"They will be selected from the existing workforce if qualified, and will be trained in September. And we are also planning to recruit 40 new police women freshly graduated from Central Police Academy next month," said Colonel Kyaw Htwe of Traffic Police Department.

The traffic police department is expecting more than 600 police trainees by September. Essential prerequisites for the job are than the candidate be at least matriculated, single and good-looking. 

Questioned about candidates being good-looking, Police Colonel Kyaw Htwe said it serves as a relaxation for drivers and pedestrians who encounter traffic problems almost every day.   

A new organisational structure has required the department increase the recruitment of women who currently occupy 16 percent of the police force.

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