Thursday 29 August 2013

Political parties to be abolished if found receiving foreign assistance - Electoral ...

Political parties to be abolished if found receiving foreign assistance - Electoral Commission

Political parties found receiving support from foreign entities will be in breach of the constitution and could be abolished, according to Myanmar's Electoral Commission.

The electoral commission sent a warning letter to all political parties on August 23, saying that they must abide by Article 407 of the 2008 Constitution or have their registration revoked.

"If a member of a political party breaches Article 407, he must be expelled from the party. If the party does not expel him intentionally, the party's registration will be revoked and the party will be abolished," the letter said.

Article 407 maintains that: "if a political party directly or indirectly receiving and expending financial, material and other assistance from a foreign government, a religious association, other association or a person from a foreign country, it shall have no right of continued existence association."

It also warned that any kind of organisation, including associations, unions, committees, networks, clubs need to apply to the Ministry of Home Affairs for permission.

If any organisation standing without the ministry's permission is engaged in an activity, they will be held responsible for the breach of law.

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