Thursday 8 August 2013

US: Expiration of the Ban on Imports from Burma

Office of the Press Secretary
7, 2013

Statement by Deputy National Security Advisor
for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes on the Expiration of
the Ban on Imports from Burma

Today, in light of the
July 28 expiration of the Burmese Freedom and Democracy
Act's (BFDA) ban on imports from Burma, the President
issued an Executive Order that repeals the provisions of
Executive Order 13310 that implemented the broad BFDA import
ban on products of Burma.

President Obama fully supported
the expiration of the broader ban on imports from Burma and
is taking this step to advance our policy of promoting
responsible economic engagement and encouraging reform that
directly benefits the Burmese people. The removal of the
broad ban on imports of articles other than jadeite and
rubies, and articles of jewelry containing them, represents
the next step in the Administration's continued efforts to
promote responsible trade and investment in support of
Burma's reform process. However, due to continuing
concerns, including with respect to labor and human rights
in specific sectors, this Executive Order reinstates the
prohibitions and restrictions on the importation into the
United States of jadeite and rubies mined or extracted from
Burma, and on articles of jewelry containing them, that was
originally imposed by the Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE
(Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008, which
amended the BFDA. The Administration is maintaining
restrictions on specific activities and actors that
contribute to human rights abuses or undermine Burma's
democratic reform process.

Today's announcement
continues to broaden American engagement in Burma, including
increased opportunities for trade and investment,
development assistance to strengthen the capacity of the
government and people to promote growth and opportunity, and
principled support for political reform and national
reconciliation. Americans will continue to stand with the
government and people of Burma as they continue their
democratic transition, and work to realize the full promise
of their extraordinary


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