Sunday 1 September 2013

Burma Opens Border with Thailand - About

Buddha in Burma

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In a historic move to boost tourism, invite Western investment, and to strengthen relations with Thailand, Burma/Myanmar has just opened  new border crossings with Thailand. Overland travel is now possible between the two countries.

Visitors to Southeast Asia's second-largest country can now cross the border overland from Thailand, explore Burma, and exit via three international airports: Yangon/Rangoon, Naypyidaw and Mandalay.

Visas are still not available at overland border crossings; you'll still need to apply for a Myanmar visa in advance.

For years, growth in Burma has been stifled by a strict regime and economic sanctions. The small trickle of tourists wanting to explore Burma were only allowed to enter and exit through the airport in Yangon/Rangoon. People who crossed overland from Thailand to renew Thai visas were not allowed to leave the area to explore the rest of Burma.

Both the US and EU dropped additional sanctions against Burma earlier this year as the country moves more toward real democracy. Western companies such as Coke and Mastercard are already setting up shop. Change is soon to come. 

I actually remember spending a sleepless night along the Thai-Burmese border in 2006, listening to the whomp whomp of mortar fire as resistance groups fought the regime and a large Thai military presence remained on constant alert.

Fortunately, that has changed. But so will the country. While jobs and revenue from tourism are generally a good thing, lots of incoming cash and outside influence does create big daily-life change and cultural mutation. With the newly opened border, it won't be long before intrepid tourists are crossing from Thailand to see something entirely new. Burma may indeed become a major stop on the backpacker's Banana Pancake Trail one day.

Thailand is king of tourism in Southeast Asia; Bangkok even surpassed London to become the most visited city in the world earlier this year. Undoubtedly, Burma will lure many of those travelers across the border to see something different, a place still considered 'genuine.'

If you've ever been interested in seeing the 'real' Burma, now is the time to do so!

  • Top 5 places to go in Burma

  • Is it Burma or Myanmar?

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