Monday 9 December 2013

Aung San Suu Kyi's quest

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December 6, 2013
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Colleen Ricci

Colleen Ricci writes on Issues in the News for Education online

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Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at Monash University in November.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at Monash University in November. Photo: Mal Fairclough

Who is Aung San Suu Kyi?

Aung San Suu Kyi, 68, is a Burmese human-rights activist and politician who is greatly admired around the world for her courage and commitment to the advancement of democracy and human rights in her home country, Myanmar (Burma).

As a young woman, Ms Suu Kyi lived abroad for many years. She gained a degree from Oxford University in England, married an English academic in 1972 and had two sons. On returning to Burma in 1988, she witnessed mass protests against the country's ruling military regime and the brutal government crackdown that followed. Speaking out against the regime in front of half a million people, she became a potent symbol for Burma's pro-democracy movement. In 1989 she was placed under house arrest for her political activities and subsequently spent 15 of the following 21 years in custody.

She has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Nobel peace prize in 1991, in recognition of her enduring efforts and steadfast dedication to non-violence in the pursuit of her goals.

What is Myanmar's history?

Myanmar is a country in south-east Asia that is bordered by China, Thailand, India, Laos and Bangladesh. The Burman people comprise two-thirds of the country's 60 million people (Aung San Suu Kyi is Burman) but there are many ethnic groups represented, including Kachin, Rohingya Muslim, Rakhine Buddhist and Karen people.

Formerly a British colony, Burma became an independent republic in 1948, after a struggle led by Aung San Suu Kyi's father, General Aung San. However, Burma's tenuous new hold on democracy was challenged by communist rebel forces. Hostilities between rival ethnic groups added to the violence, immersing the country into what is considered the world's longest-running civil war. A coup d'etat followed in 1962 and Burma was then ruled by a military dictatorship. In 1988, growing civil unrest prompted large-scale pro-democracy demonstrations – known as the 8888 Uprising – which were instrumental in politicising Aung San Suu Kyi. But despite overwhelming calls for democracy, a new military junta took control and remained in power until 2011. In 1989, the country's name was changed from Burma to Myanmar.

What is Aung San Suu Kyi's political history?

Although once a prosperous country, Myanmar became increasingly impoverished during its five decades of military rule. Severe human rights abuses, political oppression, disease, economic mismanagement and corruption took a toll. Recognising the need for change, and prompted by trade and aid sanctions imposed by the United States, Europe and elsewhere (which also had a bruising effect), Myanmar began to make tentative steps towards "disciplined" democratic reform. Many political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi, have since been freed and multi-party elections are now permitted. The military junta government was dissolved in 2011 and a civilian government took its place.

In a 2012 byelection, Aung San Suu Kyi's political party, initiated in 1988 – the National League for Democracy – won 43 of the 45 available seats in Myanmar's lower house, providing a small opposition voice in the parliament. However, many remain critical of the government, which is still largely controlled by the army through the nation's military-drafted constitution, ratified in 2008. Nevertheless, the international community has cautiously applauded the reforms and has begun to ease previously-imposed sanctions.

Will Aung San Suu Kyi become Myanmar's next president?

Aung San Suu Kyi has announced her intention to become Myanmar's president in 2015. However, under the constitution, the law forbids anyone whose spouse is a foreigner from leading the nation; Ms Suu Kyi was married to an Englishman, now deceased. Consequently, she is seeking to amend the law.

But for a law to be changed, the constitution requires 75 per cent approval from the legislature, a difficult proposition, given that 25 per cent of seats are constitutionally reserved for the military, a significant blocking force. Furthermore, the army's commander-in-chief alone has the power to decide whether the constitution may be amended. Ms Suu Kyi is highly critical of this, asking how the constitution can be considered democratic when such decisions lie "with one man in an unelected post".

What does Ms Suu Kyi want for her country?

Aung San Suu Kyi has travelled extensively within her country and abroad to gather support for her cause to establish "genuine democracy" in Myanmar. Her goals include achieving free and fair elections; rewriting the constitution so that democracy and human rights may be upheld by the rule of law; national reconciliation; and successfully inculcating a sense of democracy within the Myanmarese people. To raise economic aspirations, she hopes to see the country's agricultural base reinvigorated to meet the growing food needs of neighbouring China and India.

The activist was recently in Australia where she was awarded several honorary degrees in acknowledgment of her many accomplishments. She was warmly greeted by the Burmese population on her visit and each appearance drew a rousing reception. She also met Prime Minister Tony Abbott to garner support for stronger constitutional change in Myanmar. Australia's aid commitment to Myanmar will reach $90 million for this year.

Does she have critics?

Local members of the Kachin ethnic group boycotted Ms Suu Kyi's Australian visit, accusing her of "whitewashing" the military repression of the Kachin people. Others accuse her of failing to speak up for other ethnic minorities, particularly the persecuted Rohingya Muslims. Some say her political aspirations have compromised her views and tempered her public discourse.

Ms Suu Kyi's response is that she and her political party remain "totally dedicated to non-violence" and, while recognising that various groups wish for her to condemn the military and others, she is unwilling to be drawn into condemnation because, in her experience, it rarely offers "good results". She is overwhelmingly supported by those who claim the criticisms are unfair. They say Aung San Suu Kyi has the big picture in mind and is willing to work with the military and other groups to achieve the ultimate goal of national reconciliation for the good of all of Myanmar's people.

Recent headlines

"I'm no icon, says Myanmar's hope Aung San Suu Kyi", The Australian, November 29

"Aung San Suu Kyi in Australia to push for more democratic reform in Myanmar", ABC News, November 27

"Don't take democracy for granted, urges Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi", The Sunday Age, December 1

"Aung San Suu Kyi's quest for democracy raises questions", The Sydney Morning Herald, November 11

What people say

"I look upon myself as a politician, not as an icon. I always object to [the] word icon, because it's very static, it stands there, sits there, hangs on the wall, and I happen to work very, very hard ... Let me assure you I am no saint of any kind ... but I do believe there is such a thing as an honest politician and I aspire to that."

Aung San Suu Kyi, The Age, November 28

"It's really her non-violent position that I find so impressive, because perhaps I find it hard to fathom. I think she will be remembered for that kind of spiritual insight, really, as much as the sort of nitty-gritty of her politics, because she's a tough customer, too."

Singer and activist Bono, The Sydney Morning Herald, June 19, 2012

"Because you [Australians] have these tremendous advantages, I would like you to look to countries like ours that are just starting out on the road that you take for granted. You think democracy is there for you, that you're entitled to democracy, but entitlement is a perception. There is no such thing as absolute entitlement. You have already got much more than some of us could ever dream of achieving in our lifetime."

Aung San Suu Kyi, The Sunday Age, December 1

"I'm very excited to see someone from Burma who is a great leader and supporter of democracy."

Burmese refugee Sawm Suante, ABC News, December 2

Web links

Aung San Suu Kyi – Sydney Opera House, November 27

Human Rights Watch – Burma

ABC News – Burma

Your view

Do you think Australians take democracy for granted? Explain your answer. Aung San Suu Kyi says, "Fear is a habit; I am not afraid." Is fear a habit? What lessons does Ms Suu Kyi's story hold for you?


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