Thursday, 26 December 2013

Famous gold shop suffers armed robbery on Christmas Eve

Famous gold shop suffers armed robbery on Christmas Eve

dec25 gold shop

Maung Kain Gold Shop in Mandalay city where the robbery took place

MANDALAY—The Maung Kain Gold Shop was held up in an armed robbery on Christmas Eve.

The robber was apprehended by the shop's staff and arrested shortly after the incident at about 6 p.m. yesterday. The shop is located at the corner of 80th Street and 29th Street in Mandalay.

According to Zin Mar Swe, a staff member at the gold shop, the robber said nothing when he came into the shop. But moments later he took out a gun and fired into the air near a glass box displaying bracelets. After that, he hit the boxes with a hammer and took out pieces of gold and jewelry. He fired inside the shop five times, shouting "Don't anybody move!" the staff member said.

"When he got out of the shop, he was still yelling and shooting. He pulled the trigger nine times, I think," said the gold shop's driver Arkar.

Due to his gunfire, a person in the street was injured in the calf.

"We can't confirm whether [the suspect] is from the military or is a civilian, since he's unconscious at the moment and we cannot interview him right now," said Lieutenant Police Colonel Zaw Min Oo of the Mandalay Region Police Force.

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