Thursday, 26 December 2013

North East states need to cooperate with Myanmar

By P.K.Chaudhuri

Myanmar is able to attract huge investments from all over the world. Investments in infrastructure in Myanmar by foreign companies as well as various countries are pouring.

NE States must on its own increase the interaction with Myanmar. All the state governments of NE States must invite the union ministers and ensure fund allocation for various projects. The roads from Imphal to Monwa and Aizwal to Kalewa must be improved immediately.

Establishing the railway link between North East states and Myanmar must be accorded highest priority. The eight sister states can become centre for medical tourism for whole of South East Asia. Proper policy needs to be implemented for the purpose.

Agartala must be made centre for higher studies for all neighbouring countries like Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos etc. The North East states must establish air-link with Myanmar. They can invest in natural gas fired power plants in Myanmar and import electricity.

The whole of Thailand is lighted up with natural gas from Myanmar. Why our state governments and Union Government lack planning capability as well as vision. Despite having abundance of Natural Gas, our government is talking of laying pipeline from Iran to India for last fifteen years. Why not import gas from Myanmar.

NE States must organise an annual sports meet with participation from all neighbouring countries. The 'Look East Policy' has totally failed to deliver.

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I urge the local media to highlight the issue and compel the state governments and Central government to act..


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