Tuesday 10 December 2013

There are no Jews in Myanmar



Bismillah al rahman al rahim


Do you know Mynamar? It's bigger than Palestine and its a country in South East Asia. The majority Budhists do not like us and we are forced to live in segragation camps. Our heads are covered by flimsy tents barely able to cover us during the Monsoon season:




Our entire healthcare and medical needs are being provided by NGO's.


Human Rights Watch has called our treatment 'Ethnic Cleansing'.




We are living in an apartheid system


We Muslims are 4% of the population in Myanmar. There are just as many Muslims in Myanmar than there are Palestinians. Much more.....


My Rohingya muslim brothers are being persecuted. Forced to live in ghettos and given identity cards.The government is even trying to wipe us out by giving us to have only 2 babies so we do not reproduce:




While the police stand by and allow Budhist rioters to beat us




All the while some Budhist monks encourage normal Budhists to attack us





Not a single condemnation on Iranian.com from my humanist anti-Zionist friends. They tell me that they don't hate Jews but anti Israel because it persecutes the Palestinians. Why aren't they condmening the treatment of my Rohingya muslim brothers? Our persecutors are Budhists and not Jews but that shouldn't excuse your silence.


But depsite so many Muslims being killed in Myanmar. Our Muslims brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran are intending to open an embassy in Myanmar








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