Thursday 9 January 2014


Written by Admin on January 9, 2014. Posted in News, Top Stories


More than 200 journalists took to the street in Yangon Tuesday to protest against the "new threats" to media freedom following the jailing of a correspondent from a local newspaper.

Activists, MPs and lawyers joined the journalists in the protest in fear of return of strict control on media.

The protestors, most are working journalists from local newspapers based in Yangon, highlighted the judicial corruption in jailing the Eleven Media Group report in Rakhine State.

The protestors in Black T-shirts chanted, "We don't want a threat to press freedom," according to a RFA report.

Khine, a Rakhine State correspondent from Eleven Media Group, was jailed three months for trespassing and defamation.

She was the first journalist to be imprisoned by the Thein Sein administration since taking office more than two years ago.

Myanmar Journalist Network, a journalists group working for the rights of journalists in Myanmar, organized the protest.

photo ref: internet

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