Tuesday 18 February 2014

Myanmar seeks international help for community-based tourism

MYANMAR needs the experience and expertise of international organisations in order to develop community-based tourism systematically, said Myanmar's minister of hotels and tourism, Htay Aung.


Speaking at the official opening of the second Myanmar Hospitality and Tourism Conference today at Traders Hotel in Yangon, Htay Aung said community-based tourism was a suitable way for locals to participate in the tourism economy in rural areas.


He cited hill tribes near Kyaing Tong in Shan state, the local villages of Kalaw, Aung Bann, Nyaung Shwe and Inle Lake as potential sites. 


Myanmar has also developed a Policy on Community Involvement in Tourism which will ensure tourism stakeholders take active responsibility in addressing sustainable development.


"In this context, we need the experience and expertise from the international organisations," said Htay Aung.


Phyoe Wai Yar Zar, chairman of Myanmar Tourism Marketing said Myanmar still faces challenges in infrastructure, tourism knowledge and awareness of the positive and negative impacts of tourism.


"Community-based tourism in Myanmar is still in an embryonic stage. We are still trying to break new ground. Local people in rural regions should be able to manage tourism activities, operate the business and share the benefits from those tourism activities equitably," he said.


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