Friday 25 April 2014

Investigation team probing aircraft collision

Investigation team probing aircraft collision

By Ei Ei Thu   |   Friday, 25 April 2014

Airline officials are waiting for a Ministry of Transportation investigation team to assess the cost of the damage sustained in an April 14 collision between two aircraft at Yangon International Airport.

At a press conference at the head office of Myanmar Airways International, one of the airlines involved, chairman U Khin Maung Latt blamed the other airline, Golden Myanmar Airlines, for the accident.

"The GMA aircraft struck our aircraft," he told the April 22 conference, adding that the cost of the damage was still being assessed, and that MAI would take legal action unless it was fully compensated.

The GMA plane was being towed from a parking bay to its point of departure when the collision occurred, he said.

"GMA engineers didn't obey the rules and regulation when they parked the aircraft."

U Khin Maung Latt, who has more than 40 years' experience as a pilot, said the MAI aircraft sustained damage along its right rear side to the right side door, nose landing gear, main landing gear and a toilet. The other aircraft also suffered damage, including to its nose section. The damaged MAI plane, one of nine Airbuses in the company's fleet, is insured for up to US$750 million, he said.

Captain Min Thu, chief operating officer from Golden Myanmar Airlines, said the company would compensate MAI for the accident after the ministry completes its investigation.

"We are waiting results from an arbitration tribunal that the Ministry of Transportation set up on April 14. They will inspect the damage, and consider what happened and why. We will accept the results and compensate them accordingly," he said.

The Department of Civil Aviation could not be reached for comment last week.

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