Thursday 3 April 2014

Myanmar workers face visa problems in Thailand

Myanmar workers face visa problems in Thailand

Myanmar workers in Thailand are face difficulties renewing their visas to remain in the country legally, according to embassy officials.
One-stop service centres for migrant workers are being undermined by employers and agents who charge huge fees to renew workers' papers and keep them dependant.
Moe Kyoe, who works with the Myanmar Embassy in Thailand to protect the rights of labourers, has said that more efforts are needed to encourage workers to renew their visas themselves.
"The main problem is cost. What we want to tell the workers is to take the required paperwork from their employers and to renew their visa themselves," said Moe Kyoe who is chairperson of the Cooperation of Myanmar Citizens Affairs Committee.
Many employers hesitate to provide the necessary paperwork and often rely on agents that exploit vulnerable workers who do not fully understand the visa renewal system. 
"Agents are inevitable in such cases. By any means necessary, workers need to renew their visa themselves for the best result," added Moe Kyoe.
At present, there are over 200,000 workers in Thailand with expired visas and the Thai government permits them to reside in Thailand for six months before deporting them.

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