Monday 7 April 2014

Twelve prospective sites for Kyaukpyu deep-sea harbour

Twelve prospective sites for Kyaukpyu deep-sea harbour


 A jetty in Kyaukpyu Deep-sea area (Photo - EMG)

Twelve most appropriate areas for the construction of Kyaukpyu deep-sea harbour have been located, a committee of Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone said in its report.

The harbour in Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone, once complete, is expected to be the best deep-sea port in Southeast Asia.

The government officials, the members of Economy Zone Tender Invitation and Scrutiny Committee (BEAC) and the consultant company on project development zone met in the last week of March.

This deep-sea port is expected to be 200 metre deep and its location has natural barrier from wind and tide. It is slated to become the hub for East-West trading.

"We found 12 most appropriate places for zoning after the last visit. The Kyaukpyu deep-sea harbour is located in the centre of East-West trading and easy to access.  After this project is implemented, we don't need to pass the current main shipping lane, the Malacca Strait, anymore. So, Kyaukpyu is the best gift of the Nature," said Than Maung, the member of Economy Zone Tender Invitation and Scrutiny Committee and commissioner of Pyithu Hluttaw Legal Affairs and the Review of Special Cases Committee, to The Daily Eleven.

The advisors of Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone will draft the master plan for the zone as well as for the entire Kyaukpyu area.

"Since March 26, the consultants and the BEAC members paid a five-day visit to Kyaukpyu. In addition, we need to draw the master plan for Yanbyae and Manaung islands for the overall development," said Ba Shwe, the member of BEAC.

Singapore-based CPG consultant company would be contracted to advise in selecting developers and its contract was being presented to the Attorney-General Office for review before signing the deal.

"Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone is apart from the projects planned by China for the petroleum exporting pipes and railways. The Myanmar government implements this zone with the assistance of international developers," said Than Maung.

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