Saturday 30 August 2014

Myanmar census reveals smaller population

First census conducted in over 30 years shows the country has 9 million fewer people than previously thought

Myanmar's first census carried out in more three decades revealed that the country's population is considerably smaller than was previously thought, BBC News reported Friday.

According to figures from the latest census conducted in March and April, Myanmar's population is 51 million, which is 9 million fewer people than the government originally estimated.

The census caused a stir among some when officials denied members of the Muslim minority in the west to identify themselves as Rohingya. The Rohingya community is made up of 800,000 members and lives in the state of Rakhnine.

At the time the UN stepped in and asked the government to include the Rohingya ethnicity, but officials refused the request since it views the community as illegal migrants from Bangladesh.

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