Saturday 2 August 2014

Telecoms in Myanmar: From tender to network launch

Telecoms in Myanmar: From tender to network launch

By The Myanmar Times   |   Saturday, 02 August 2014

The Myanmar Times presents a timeline of the mobile network tender, from its announcement to the launch of Ooredoo's services on August 2.

July 11, 2012

State-run media announces a tender for international consultants to run a mobile licence tendering process.

September 2012

Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications officials confirm plans to allow two foreign operators into the country as well as plans to license Yatanarpon Teleport and reform the sole operator MPT.

January 15, 2013

The government invites expressions of interest from international firms for two telecoms licences.

January 16, 2013

Minister for Communications and Information Technology U Thein Tun resigns abruptly and an investigation into ministry corruption is launched.

February 8, 2013

A total of 91 international companies and consortiums submit expressions of interest for the two licences.

June 26, 2013

The Pyithu Hluttaw attempts to delay the announcement of the tender winners on the grounds that the Telecommunications Law should be introduced first. The government proceeds with the announcement.

June 27, 2013

The two winning bidders from 11 shortlisted firms are announced. Ooredoo and Norway-based Telenor are chosen, while a consortium including French firm Orange and Japan's Marubeni is announced as the backup.

October 3, 2013

The Telecoms Law is passed, though follow-up rules are still to come.

February 5, 2014

Ooredoo and Telenor's 15-year operator licences officially begin, after the companies accepted them a few days earlier.

June 2014

Some Buddhist monks urge a public boycott of Ooredoo because the company is from Muslim-majority Qatar. Company officials respond that they are focused only on providing a quality service, and that suspicion will dissipate once people see more of the brand and the positive effects it brings.

July 17, 2014

MPT announces a partnership with Japan's KDDI and Sumitomo. MPT chose them from a shortlist that also included Orange and Singapore's SingTel.

August 2, 2014

Ooredoo launches operations with a two-week promotional period.

August 14, 2014

Ooredoo to hold another press conference to announce its longer-term pricing, which is to begin the following day.

September 2014

Anticipated launch of Telenor.

December 2015

Ooredoo pledges to have 80pc population coverage by the end of 2015.


Ooredoo aims for 97pc population coverage in five years.


Additional information:

Company ownership

10pc Abu Dhabi Investment Authority

52pc State of Qatar

17pc other Qatari government-related entities

21pc others


Incorporated in 1987, listed 1998

Revenues: US$9.3 billion in 2013

EBITDA: $4.0 billion in 2013

Operating in 15 different countries, 96 million subscribers, 17,000 employees


Source: Ooredoo website

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