Tuesday 23 September 2014

Myanmar marks International Peace Day

People across Myanmar recognised International Peace Day on September 21, including President U Thein Sein who mentioned the slogan of the day, 'The Right of Peoples to Peace' in a statement released in the state-owned press.

The Womens' League Burma and the Womens' Organisation Network combined to hold a march in Yangon with more than three hundred women carrying slogans that read 'Join gentle hands together for peace', from Pearl Condo, Bahan Township to Kandawgyi Lake, where they performed peace anthems and traditional dance.

Daw Myint Myint Aye, of the Meikhtila People's Network told Mizzima, "When they witness the unity of women, they are more likely to fulfil our demands. People know that women are crying for peace."

In Tamwe Township, dozens of people wearing t-shirts promoting a federal union demanded an end to war and the unity of people across the nation.

Mizzima Daily reported that many other civil society organisations including youth groups and poetry fans held events across the country with some having traffic police assist them in clearing a path.

Mizzima Daily reported that ahead of the planned political dialogue to follow the ceasefire negotiations between the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team and the Union Peace-making Work Committee, Ko Zaw Myint, a veteran of the All Burma Student's Democratic Front made a solo demonstration, marching in Pyinmana Township, Naypyitaw, to demand that dialogue be held on a multi-lateral basis. He was reportedly arrested after 15 minutes./


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