Wednesday 20 May 2015

Gambia offers to resettle Rohingya

The Gambia government has offered to resettle the Royingya people of Myanmar, a sovereign state in Southeast Asia bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand.

In a press release aired by the state TV last night, the Gambia government has offered to resettle the Royingya people, also known as boat people, in The Gambia.

The release states: "The Government of The Gambia notes with great concern the inhumane condition of the Royingya people of Myanmar, especially those referred to as boat people currently drifting in the seas off the coast of Malaysia and Indonesia.

"As human beings, more so fellow Muslims, it is a sacred duty to help alleviate the untold hardship and sufferings these fellow human beings are confronted with.

"Therefore, The Gambia being a country with predominantly Muslim population and with a natural culture of interfaith tolerance hereby expresses willingness to accept and resettle all boat people who wish to reside in The Gambia.

"In this regard we are appealing to all countries with a conscience to assist in bringing the Royingya people to The Gambia for resettlement.

"The Government of The Gambia further requests the international community to contribute towards the humanitarian gesture in the form of tents, beddings, household material, medicinal and other forms of requisite logistical support, to set up habitable camps with decent sanitary conditions for the Royingyas."

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