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The Sydney Morning Herald
January 4, 2014 - 12:43PM
- (1)
Yangon Myanmar on Friday freed about 2000 inmates, including at least three political prisoners, to mark its Independence Day, officials and activists said.
"More than 2000 prisoners were released today with 1800 from Insein Prison in Yangon and another 230 from Mandalay prison," said Hla Maung Shwe, an adviser to President Thein Sein.
The presidential amnesty was granted to commemorate Independence Day on Saturday. Myanmar, formerly called Burma, was granted independence from Britain on January 4, 1948.
At least three of those released were political prisoners, said Bo Kyi, spokesman for the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), a non-governmental organisation.
The President vowed to release all political prisoners by the end of 2013, but Bo Kyi said at least 40 remained in Myanmar jails.
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