Saturday 27 September 2014

I will tell the real truth (18)

I will tell the real truth (18)

"It is so disappointing to experience such an age of catastrophe in which we are bullied knowingly. I want to escape from this age and reach an age of justice and fairness quickly. I pray that we would escape from living under the persecutors as soon as possible."

"It is so disappointing to experience such an age of catastrophe in which we are bullied knowingly. I want to escape from this age and reach an age of justice and fairness quickly. I pray that we would escape from living under the persecutors as soon as possible."
The above paragraph is a status on Facebook I found while browsing. Now, I mention it again after seeking approval from the writer. He is a medical doctor. I don't know him personally. Studying his statuses and posts on Facebook, he is a devout Buddhist but without any political background. His writing reflects the sufferings of the Myanmar citizens. It is the prayer of one of the ordinary public who are suffering from injustice, fraudulence, wickedness and hopelessness.
Let alone the sufferings of the individuals, what we see and hear from media, news or hearsay has made us think that such injustice and unfairness are quite disgusting with a strong feeling. Which is worse for us to be bullied by a silly person or a swindler? Our people are like being in a situation where they came to face swindlers while thinking that they would have a saviour after being bullied by torturers.
The reason that millions of people took to the streets in 1988 was they wanted to see a new political system. They wanted to change from dictatorship to democracy. At that time, political divide was a key factor. But now, we have seen not only political divide but also economical divide and social divide have become significant.
The differences and gaps lead to abiding of the law of the jungle, ignorance of the laws and ultimately weakening the rule of law in the country.
The differences and gaps lead to abiding of the law of the jungle, ignorance of the laws and ultimately weakening the rule of law in the country. Abuse of law, corruption in the administrative pillar and absence of the rule of law has become rampant. It is not strange that anarchy reigns in a country where the laws fail to provide protection. This is why the feeling that we are being bullied knowingly has its meaning.
In the article "I will tell the real truth (17)," I wrote as follows.
"I am the one who wants the country to move forward. I want to move forward in a cooperative manner, leaving the past in the past. But the time will come soon to write about those who cannot ease their greed and ignorance….
… Negotiations and warnings are really needed for Myanmar not to be like the Philippines where previous leaders were subject to corruption lawsuits by subsequent governments. I want the country moving forward peacefully and with stability. I don't like trouble makers and leakers.  
It is necessary not to create problems so that our country's reform process can go smooth and harmonious with everything perfect as it deserves. Among those problem makers trying to disturb the journey of our country are Seik Phwar. 
In the times of Seik Phwar, we had been monitoring him for a long time and revealed him with solid evidence. It is his concern to deny [our claim].
Another Facebook alias 'Plato Demo' account is well-known for its posts about undisclosed information from inner circle. It particularly defends the President and sometimes, U Ye Htut.
It generally attacks Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and U Shwe Mann and makes fun of the media. It usually attacks me personally when I criticise the President. It is regularly seen in the front line when it comes to the issues of Rohingya, the Nationality and Religion Safeguarding Association and nationalism.
Sometimes, the Plato Demo posts information from the inside of president's office and the writing style is similar to that of a presidential officer who writes [features] in some periodicals.  
It metaphorically describes Facebook as the fifth pillar, and its Facebook friends – fellow propagandists – who share the statuses are mostly its acquaintances.
We put a close watch on Plato Demo as it is as important as Seik Phwar.
After the Daily Eleven Newspaper featured an article by Dr. Thein Myint, Plato Demo has made personal attacks on me. It then questions why have we written only about the President and U Ye Htut, and why not U Than Shwe and U Shwe Mann.
Our Eleven Media Group takes overall responsibility for what we have written. We do not write everything we have known or heard. We wait for the right time and situation. The national interest is our priority.
The only thing I want to ask Plato Demo close to the President is what your master would do if we write about them. You said that I do not have enough courage to write about them, so I want to ask what about your master, Plato Demo.
Last year this time, when the whistle blower journal 'Thuriya Naywun' was hot among the public, those who called themselves 'Third Group' and the main funders of Thuriya Naywun had persuaded Ko Zaw Ye Naung, our chief editor in digital media to join forces with them. They told him that they were connected to Thuriya Naywun and had a plan to support the President with a massive media department claiming that both the National League for Democracy and the Union Solidarity and Development Party should not rule the office.
According to Ko Zaw Ye Naung...
(To be continued...)

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