Tuesday 5 May 2015

Moulmein Art Exhibit opens to the public

Reported by: Khitar Non News
Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

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The Moulmein (Mawlamyine) art exhibition is currently being held for the first time in the capital of Mon State.

The gallery opened on May 1st, for five days, on Kannar Lan (Strand Street), Moulmein Capital. The public can access the gallery between 5:30 PM and 10:00 PM, wherein six kinds of artworks are on display.

"For the purpose of the locals of Moulmein, the gallery is on display to ultimately expose them to the fields of art concerned with poems, cartoons, paintings, and sculptures," said artist Min Sanshar. Min Sanshar also stated that the exhibition included photography and other designs, with each art form being displayed in its respective section.

"We are doing this to have an art culture in Moulmein. We plan to have a place where the youth of Moulmein can display their art," said Nyan Soe Win, curator of the photography section.

Within the photography space, young amateur photographers were given priority over professionals. Any amateur photographer could bring their work there for display, and any displayed photos, paintings, and poems would be sold if buyers were interested.

"The majority of the images on display here are from amateur photographers. Some of their works are really good. However, prior to this, they did not get the chance to display their work and no one would see them. Now, because they can have their works on display, people get to know them. They also come to understand more about their photos," said Nyan Soe Win.

"At first, I was not interested much in art. I never visited such exhibitions. But now I have become more interested in visiting the exhibit. When I look at the pictures, although they seem to be nothing, if we look at them more carefully, they seem alive and real. The 3D paintings also seem to be so real," said Mi Thazin Mon, a visitor to the art exhibition.

Artist Min Sanshar also said that he was extremely glad to see people coming to the exhibition, while the artists had to chance to express themselves in paintings, cartoons, poems, and photos displayed before the public. He continued that he would, with his effort, work on having more shows in the near future.

On the first day alone, approximately 1000 visitors, the majority of them being children and adults, came to the art exhibit.


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