Friday 19 July 2013


Written by Admin on July 18, 2013. Posted in News, Top Stories


Myanmar military will return a few percent of lands confiscated in more than two decades of military rule.

Defence minister Lt-Gen Wai Lwin told the parliament Tuesday that the army would return 18300 acres of land, according to the state media.

The minister also acknowledged that the army's business arm Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited confiscated over 297000 acres of farmland under the military rule.

The lands were confiscated under 1963 Land Acquisition Act for economic projects and extensions of army bases.

He also assured that the confiscated lands would be returned by the end of this month.

The land grabs have been one of hot issues in Myanmar in two years of democratic transition, provoking many protests.

Recent Letpadaungtaung copper mine controversy was built on the land confiscation by the army's business outlet.

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