Friday 19 July 2013


Written by Admin on July 19, 2013. Posted in News, Top Stories



Despite promise of releasing all political prisoners by year's end, Myanmar is still arresting the political activists, international rights group Amnesty International decried in its latest report Thursday.

The group said Myanmar police detained a "Rohingya" activist in Arakan state while president Thein Sein vowed to clear all Myanmar jails of political prisoners, referring to the controversial name.

Myanmar government does not accept "Rohingya" as ethic, claiming that most of the people residing in violence-hit Arakan state in far west of the country are "Bengali".

It recently turned down the call of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to grant citizenship to all self-acclaimed "Rohingya" people in the region, saying the "Bengali" people eligible under the citizenship law would be only be granted citizenship.

"The government continues to rely on repressive laws to silence dissent and jail peaceful protesters in Myanmar," Amy Smith, the group's Myanmar researcher said.

The report highlighted the arrests of Kyaw Hla Aung, a prominent "Rohingya" lawyer on 15 July and activist Wai Phyo of Bago region on 10 July.

"It's all well and good for Thein Sein to promise an end to prisoners of conscience, but there is along way to go from what we've seen in recent months," Smith said in the release published on the international rights group's website.

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