Monday 16 December 2013

More Myanmarese troops move into border - E

More Myanmarese troops move into border

Source: Hueiyen News Service

Imphal, December 15 2013:
In the backdrop of Indo-Myanmar border dispute, especially on the issue of construction of Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Moreh in Chandel district of Manipur, more Myanmarese troops have reportedly moved into the border area close to Moreh town.

Myanmar Army has been pressuring the Indian officials to halt the construction work on Integrated Check Post near Moreh Gate No.1 claiming that the land belong to Myanmar.

However, the construction works are still carried on by the Indian authorities with a strong force of Assam Rifles guarding the work site.

Subsequent to the tension over construction of ICP, more Myanmarese troops have been deployed near Moreh Gate No.1 and 2.All entrance points between these two gates have also been blocked by Myanmar Army, thus preventing normal movement of people between the two countries.

However, border trade and movement of people through Moreh Gate No.1 and 2 are going on as usual without any disturbance.

More Myanmarese troops move into border
More Myanmarese troops move into border

Talking to Hueiyen Lanpao, a worker at ICP said that the Indian authorities have not issued any order to halt the construction of ICP so far despite repeated opposition from Myanmar Army.

Security arrangement in and around the work site of ICP should be beefed up by the Indian officials in view of the rising tension.

A trader told Hueiyen Lanpao that Indo-Myanmar border issue is getting tensed day by day with Myanmar Army opening its platoon base camps at Haolenphai and Govajang Village in Chandel district and also increasing its number of troops deployed near Moreh Gate No.1 and 2.Such continuous tension may one day spark off a much larger issue between the two neighbouring countries, the trader noted.

Meanwhile, Chief of Myanmar Army, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Defence Services and Vice Senior General Soe Win arrived at Dimapur Saturday en-route to Myanmar via Manipur.

He was accompanied by six staff officers and his wife.

Sources said Gen.

Soe Win, who is on a friendly visit, would be staying at 3 Corps HQ, Rangapahar and would leave for Manipur on Sunday.

He had come to India on a six-day visit.

Earlier, Gen.

Win had assured the President of India that Myanmar would not allow its territory to be used by forces inimical to India.

He reiterated the assurance made jointly by PM Manmohan Singh and Myanmar President in May 2012 that territories of either country would not be allowed to be used for activities inimical to the other, including for training, sanctuary and other operations by terrorist and insurgent organisations and their operatives.


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