Tuesday 29 April 2014

Avalanche tragedy sees climbing season on Everest closed

Avalanche tragedy sees climbing season on Everest closed

By Staff   |   Tuesday, 29 April 2014

A team of Myanmar mountaineers has arrived back in Yangon, after their attempt to plant a Myanmar flag on the Everest summit was scuttled by the tragic avalanche that claimed the lives of 16 Sherpa guides.

Negotiations between a representative group of Sherpa guides and the Nepalese government began following the April 18 avalanche, the Sherpas declaring they would not climb the summit again this season out of respect for their lost colleagues.

With the Nepalese government and de-facto Sherpa union at stalemate, it was determined that climbing on the mountain would cease for the rest of the season. The Myanmar contingent was forced to abandon their effort.

Climbing permits, the Nepalese government has announced, will be honoured and held valid for five years.

The Myanmar team has extended its condolences to the Sherpa community, and remain steadfast in their determination to make an attempt on the summit in coming seasons.



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