Monday 28 April 2014

Rakhine conference to tackle peace and democracy

Rakhine conference to tackle peace and democracy


Those present are seen at Arakan National Conference being held in Kyaukphyu. (Photo-Aung Yanma)

A conference in Rakhine State from April 27 to May 1 will focus on democracy, creating a federal system and peace building.

The Arakan National Conference is aimed at improving security, peace and tranquility in the conflicted region and a committee was formed to carry out work procedures after the conference. "Rakhine State is facing new forms of challenges.

This conference is to lay down policies that can control the future of Rakhine State. We must avoid lawless acts and live within the frame of law. The capacity of Rakhine people must be enhanced," said Zaw Aye Maung, minister for ethnic Rakhine affairs.

The conference started on April 27, is being attended by Buddhist monks, national and local government officials, MPs, representatives from the Myanmar Peace Center (MPC), foreign embassies, media, political parties and civic organisations.

Kyaw Nyein, the chairman of committee for holding the conference, and Union Minister Aung Min as well as Hla Maung, chief minister of Rakhine State, made opening speeches at the conference.

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