Saturday 5 April 2014

Thai gov't to draft law legalising fishermen

Thai gov't to draft law legalising fishermen


Myanmar fishermen on Thai fishing fleet

The Thai government is drafting a bill to provide identity cards to illegal fishermen from Myanmar, according to Myanmar Embassy in Thailand.

The Myanmar government has already agreed with the Thai government to legalise Myanmar workers working in the fishing industry.

"There is already a draft to provide identities for fishermen. They are only waiting for the approval of Thai Ministry of Labour," said Moe Kyoe, the secretary of the committee to protect Myanmar labour rights.

This validation will protect Myanmar workers from profiteers and forceful employment and also make them eligible to rights under the current labour laws in Thailand.

There have been many recorded cases of human trafficking, as Myanmar workers are sold to Thai fishing fleets and forced to work.

There are over three million Myanmar immigrants in Thailand, only 1.7 million of whom are legal.

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