Thursday 1 May 2014

Striking miners demand wage equality

Ko Than Lwin told Mizzima that the group have submitted a written appeal to Presidential Office via the regional government. He said that while they await an answer from the President, they will continue striking against the company.

A protest held outside the offices of the Myanmar Wanbao Copper Company in Salingyi on April 30, was the fourth protest that the group has held since April 10 said Ko Tun Tun, another of the striking workers.

Another striker, Ko Bo Oo said  "we have lost our farm land to this mining project, so we had to find jobs with Wanbao but the salaries we have been given are not the same as other workers," he saidapparently referring to Chinese workers at the mine. "We are striking for equality," he said.

Senior officials from Sagaing'sregional Ministry of Forestry, Energy and Mining said "when considering any increment to local salaries we must consider many viewpoints. Foreign investment projects exist across the country and we must consider the wider impact of any action."

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