Sunday, 21 July 2013

Goethe Institut renews cultural exchange ties

Goethe Institut renews cultural exchange ties

By Nyein Ei Ei Htwe   |   Monday, 22 July 2013

The government has sealed a deal with Germany to help foster cultural ties between the two countries.

Myanmar's cultural ministry and the Goethe Institut signed an agreement last week [July 15], that will enable cultural exchange, language and travel programs between Germany and Myanmar.

Germany's spokesperson from the Federal Foreign Office, Cornelia Pieper at a press conference on July 16, said the agreement intended to establish the Goethe Institut in Myanmar by the end of the year.

"We are very glad to have this relationship with Myanmar," Pieper said. "There are plans also for scholarships for Myanmar students to go to Germany."

The Goethe Institut also wants to partner with local universities so that German can be taught at a tertiary level.

However, she said there were other plans underway.

"We won't just concentrate on language programs: We will also have film festivals and exchange programs for students."

Pieper said the cultural exchange program could help boost tourism investment in Myanmar.

President of the Goethe Institut, Professor Klay-Dieter Lehmann said he hoped to plan out the structure of the programs before March 2014.

"We're trying to attract everyone from the public to take part in the programs," Lehmann said. "There will be media exchanges, discussions about music and art, film festivals

The Goethe Institute has opened once before in Myanmar in the early '60s but was closed down in 1965. There are 150 Gothe Instituts in 95 countries around the world.

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