Saturday 31 August 2013

Myanmar to open more tourist guide courses

Myanmar to open more tourist guide courses

Myanmar plans to strengthen the capacity of local tour guides to accommodate the influx of foreign tourists following the announcement on August 28 of the opening of four border crossing along the Thai-Myanmar border areas.

"We are planning to open tourists' guide courses. The duration of the course will be eight to ten weeks. We only need those interested. We have already opened a course in Mogoke and we are planning to open in Kayah. Those interested must already have passed Grade 11. If it is impossible to get applicants who have passed Grade 11, as it is a border town, we can accept if the applicants are fluent in English or Thai language," said Minister Htay Aung of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism on August 28.

Concerning calling foreign tourists' guides in Myanmar, the law prohibited calling foreign tourists' guides like in ASEAN countries. Only the tour guides from own countries are allowed to accompany and explain the tourists.

The tourists' arrival to Myanmar is estimated two million in coming tourists' season.

Starting from Myawaddy border gate, we have planned the tourists' to smoothly travel under the direction of Kayin State Government. Moreover, measures such as safety and to give help to foreign travellers are also carried out. Likewise, the local public have to raise their respective State's prestige. Upgrading of hotels, motels are also needed, said Col. Aung Lwin of the Border Security Affairs Minister.

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