Saturday 7 September 2013


Written by Admin on September 7, 2013. Posted in Business, News


Myanmar and Malaysia have held the potentials to become the trade
partners, a leader of a Malaysian trade organization said.

Chairman of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation Dr Wong
Lai Sum said in his address at a trade fair that Myanmar and Malaysia
shared the same geographical and cultural features.

He said Myanmar and Malaysia could become the trade partners,
catalysting development of Myanmar.

The chairman said Malaysia would cooperate with Myanmar for human
resources development, technical development and economic development.

For business dealings, the corporation could be contacted via the
Malaysian Embassy in Yangon, he said.

He highlighted the progress of trade relations between Malaysia and
Myanmar never than before.

According to government figures, the trade volume between Myanmar and
Malaysia is USD 793 million in 2011 and USD 887 million in 2012, an
11.9 percent increase within one-year period.

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