Sunday 8 September 2013

Myanmar to spend Ks3.2b to power rural areas

Myanmar to spend Ks3.2b to power rural areas

Myanmar will spend Ks 3.2 billion to provide electricity to rural areas as part of national development program in the country, according to officials.

An official from Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development Ministry said that the ministry will spend the money to power the rural areas using solar power and hydroelectricity, and it's working to provide power to 99 townships and over 200 villages all across the country.

The ministry has already provided electricity to 6054 households in the rural areas and kept on working by setting up small and large electricity projects to be implemented in 5 to 20 years, the official said.

The ministry said its rural development program will also provide clean water and sufficient nutrition to the rural areas as well as the electricity.

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