Tuesday, 24 September 2013

NLD Co-Founder Win Tin Hospitalized

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Win Tin, a co-founder of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and a former political prisoner, speaks at a ceremony in July. (Photo: Steve Tickner / The Irrawaddy)

RANGOON — Win Tin, the veteran journalist and founding member of Burma's opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), has been hospitalized with breathing difficulties, an aide said Monday.

The 84-year-old, who has a history of heart problems and spent 20 years in Burmese jail, was admitted to Rangoon's Green Cross Hospital on Friday, according to YarZar, a fellow NLD member who has been looking after Win Tin.

Win Tin had been having trouble breathing and had been coughing a lot, so was taken to the hospital, he said, adding that the former long-term political prisoner's condition was improving.

"It's been three days he's been at hospital. Now he is getting better after some heart problem as well as coughing," YarZar said.

"Now we're discussing with the physicians whether he can go back home or not."

Win Tin was released in 2008 after a serving a lengthy jail term, much of it in solitary confinement, for criticizing Burma's military regime.

He has been an active part of the opposition since his release, but Win Tin had a pacemaker installed after heart problems in 2009. YawZar said Win Tin is also suffering from lung problems and a hernia.

Since his release, Win Tin has continued to wear blue prison-issue shirts as a sign of solidarity for other political prisoners. In April, police demanded that Win Tin return his prison uniform, which he refused.

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