Monday 9 September 2013

UPP detain 65 Myanmar illegal immigrants on three buses

Posted on September 9, 2013, Monday

KOTA BAHARU: The Anti- Smuggling Unit (UPP ) detained 65 Myanmar illegal immigrants travelling on three express buses in Kuala Krai and Pasir Mas early yesterday morning.

Kelantan UPP Commander Rusli Karim said the illegal immigrants from the Klang Valley and Kuala Lumpur were believed headed for the border town of Rantau Panjang.

In the first raid at 3.30am, the raiding team stopped two buses in Kuala Krai and detained eight men from the first bus. They detained 25 men and four women from the second bus.

Rusli said 25 men and three women were detained in the third raid on a bus at Simpang Repek, Jalan Pasir Mas-Rantau Panjuang at 6am.

"All the Myanmar nationals did not possess identification papers," he told a press conference here yesterday.

They were detained under the Immigration Act and if found guilty, may be fined not less than RM10,000 or jailed not less than five years or both or not more than six strokes.

Rusli believed that the Myanmar nationals were trying to leave this country  to escape the big operation against illegal immigrants under the 6P programme starting Sept 1.  — Bernama

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