Tuesday 21 January 2014

Northeast India Anticipates Seaport - E

Northeast India Anticipates Seaport

Nagaland Post | Agencies | Guwahati, Jan 20 ()

Come 2015, the people of northeast India will be able to use a seaport in Myanmar for transport and trade. The Sittwe port in the Bay of Bengal is expected to link Mizoram in the far east of India to the ocean through riverine transport and roadways. Construction work for jetties and other port facilities, which started in December 2010, is expected to be completed this year.

Called the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project, the venture is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2015. The project includes the improvement of Sittwe port in Arakan province, west Myanmar, construction of an inland waterway on Kaladan river and preparation for a highway transportation system linking up with the Mizoram capital of Aizwal.

Follow the link to read the entire article here

* This Post is uploaded on January 21, 2014


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