Saturday, 29 March 2014

Jeremy Clarkson Flames Daily Mail after Top Gear Burma Special Racism Article

If you happen to check out Jeremy Clarkson's Twitter account, you'll notice the Top Gear presenter pays special attention to The Daily Mail at the moment. Clarkson is flaming the publication after an article talking about another one of his controversial "British humor" moments.

It all started when Top Gear released their Burma Special. The season finale saw Clarkson, Hammond and May having to build a bridge over Thailand's Kwai river. Upon completing the task Clarkson pulled a... Clarkson, saying "That is a proud moment, but there's a slope on it," while a man was walking towards him on the bridge - there's a screenshot of the scene above.

Hammond then tried to soften things up, saying "You're right, it's definitely higher on that side." Nonetheless, everybody got the point - "slope" was used as a pejorative term for people of Asian origin.

As always, Clarkson's remark sparked quite a debate, with many people raging against the Top Gear presenter's allegedly racist remarks. The Daily Mail picked up the story, adding quite a few spicy details. Their article explains Indian-born actress Somi Guha is pursuing legal action against the BBC, with her lawyers claiming Clarkson's remark could cost the trust up to GBP 1 million unless the presented apologizes and removes the show.

Like we said, Clarkson now responded in his typical manner. Move along, nothing to see here...

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