Tuesday, 24 June 2014

UNESCO lists 3 ancient Myanmar cities as World Heritage

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Myanmar finally made its entry onto the World Heritage list as UNESCO approved on Sunday the inscription of three ancient cities among the world's heritage, the leader of Myanmar's delegation to the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee, meeting in Doha, said in Yangon late Monday.

Now included on the list are three Pyu Ancient Cities -- Hanlin, Beiktano and Sri Kestra, all in the irrigated landscapes in the central dry zone of the Ayeyarwady River basin.

The three cities, added with Iran's "Burnt City," reflect the Pyu Kingdoms that flourished for more than 1,000 years between 200 B.C and 900 A.D., according to the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Deputy Culture Minister Sandar Khin, leader of the Myanmar delegation, told the committee the three ancient cities are a significant heritage for humanity and that Myanmar assures they will be fully protected and handed over to future generations.

"This inscription means a lot to us, not only because this is our first inscription, but also because it truly represents an important phase in the history of humanity in a large geographical region of Southeast Asia," she said.

Speaking to reporters in Yangon on Monday night, Sandar Khin said the newly listed ancient cities will help lift Myanmar's prestige and contribute more to the country's booming tourism sector.

Myanmar submitted a nomination dossier and management plan for the three cities to the committee in January last year.

Myanmar has eight properties on its tentative list for World Heritage.

In a failed attempt to have some of its sites included in the World Heritage, Myanmar submitted a nomination for the ancient city and well-trodden tourist destination Bagan in central Myanmar to committee in 1996.


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