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Myanmar tightens security in Yangon amid Al-Qaida's threat
YANGON, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Myanmar authorities have tightened security in Yangon region, especially religious buildings, in the wake of threat from the terrorist group of Al- Qaida, according to Yangon Region Border Affairs and Security Ministry Tuesday.
Increased patrolling is being done and entry points are being strictly checked with CCTV cameras more than usual, Minister Colonel Tin Win said.
He urged the people to report to the concerned immediately on finding any suspect.
Al-Qaida leader Ayman al Zawahiri announced new focus on Myanmar, Bangladesh and India early this month and a video featuring Zawahiri describing the launch of a new branch in the Indian subcontinent with the aim of expanding jihad to the region was released on Sept. 3.
Following Al-Qaida's statement, the Burmese Muslim Association (BMA) announced rejection of the statement on Sept. 5, urging people to live together in harmony regardless of racial and religious differences.
BMA also called on the government to prevent sharing of terrorism belief in the country through the systematic programs.
"The Muslims living in the country will not tolerate any threat to their motherland," the BMA's statement said.
Precautionary measures have been reportedly taken by armed forces to beef up check points and monitor infiltration of terrorists.
Copyright 2014 Xinhua News Agency.
Xinhua is China's state-run news agency.
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Copyright 2014 GlobalPost – International News
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