Thursday 7 May 2015

Freedom of religion and freedom from religion

Soulinda Somvong | Contributing Writer

"Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion, and people of faith often feel like they can't express that faith publicly." said Rick Perry, the 47th Gov. of Texas from 2000 to 2015.

An article in Index the Voice of Free Expression 2014 written by Brian Pellot states that Burma is the number one country that citizens are not allowed to express their own religion. Ninety percent of Burma's population is Theravada Buddhist because it is a religion that the government choose to promote over Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Burmese citizens also have to list their faith on official documents. Those who choose to worship other religions are banned from "proselytizing" and pressured to worship to the majority faith.

There are still many countries that do not have freedom of religion and are not free from religion as they wish. There is a difference between the two. Freedom of religion is the right to practice whatever religion we choose to. Sadly, according to First Amendment Center studies in 2014, only 29 percent of Americans known about freedom of religion.

To sophomore Sarah Locati, it is important to know what freedom of religion is.

"Everyone has something they believe, and they have a right to believe it and follow it. Knowing that is part of religion, we have to have a sort of respect toward people who practice different religions. It's also important to know as a person who practices religion as well because you know you have the right to worship and belief," Locati said.

Another important thing that most people often forget is besides freedom of religion, we also have freedom from religion. This means we do not need to go to a temple or church and worship God, or that we do not have to take part in religious functions.

"When it comes to politics, the freedom from religion means being 'free from' any government imposition of religion," Austin Cline, the Expert of Agnosticism and Atheism, said. "Freedom from religion isn't a demand that religious beliefs never be expressed, but rather that they not be endorsed by the government; it's not a demand that religious believers never voice an opinion, but rather that they not have a privileged status in public debates; it's not a demand that religious values never have any public impact, but rather that no laws be based on religious doctrines without the existence of a secular purpose and basis."

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