Saturday 7 September 2013


Written by Admin on September 6, 2013. Posted in News, Top Stories, Travel and Leisure


A lawmaker has submitted a motion at the lower house of the parliament
for the transformation of heart-shaped Reed Lake and its environs into
a hotel zone, MRTV-4 reported, according to an official of the
Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.

Hotels of many stars are expected to be established in the areas,
targeting local and foreign visitors to the landmark natural lake of
Chin State.

The lake in northern Myanmar currently has transit camps.

Establishment of a small hotel zone in the area is underway as more
visitors have reached the destinations, with more quality hotels
expected to join the zone.

It could be reached through 89-mile-long Kalay-Tiddim-Reed road. The
lake is 2.5 miles round and 50 ft deep. It is located at the attitude
of 2966 ft.

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